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Real Books that belong in the Restricted Section

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Real Books that belong in the Restricted Section Most of you will be familiar with the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts Library. The books within contain dark magic, and you will need a professor’s written permission to gain access. The Catholic Church also had a List of Prohibited Books. The Church selected books that went against Catholic beliefs; both theological and secular. Most notably this list butted heads with growing scientific discoveries, like the heliocentric astronomical model in the 17th century. I’m sure you’ve also heard of Banned Books Week. A special week consecrated by libraries across America as a… Read More »Real Books that belong in the Restricted Section

Facing the Climate Emergency

Facing the Climate Emergency

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In Facing the Climate Emergency Margaret Klein Salamon starts with an impressive call to arms. She invokes the hero’s journey and states quite clearly how much the climate crisis matters and that you have a calling in life. It seems a bit dramatic at first, but in light of the global climate crisis, she’s probably right.

Screenshot - useful apps

26 Useful apps and Applications

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Last updated November 14, 2021 26 Useful Apps and Applications TikTok has something like 1 billion monthly active users yet I’ve never touched it. That was true of Twitter as well until I downloaded in a pique of adventurousness earlier this year. Generally, I feel comfortable in the tech domain since I’m an almost digital native. But how is it that I can be so unaware of what ~1/8th of all humanity has on their phones? How do other people hear about these new and upcoming apps? In large part, I think it has to do with one’s exposure to… Read More »26 Useful apps and Applications

Market day vegetables

3 Axioms of a Vegan/Vegetarian Diet

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There is a growing body of research that points towards a more plant-based diet being good for 1. your personal health, and 2. reducing your environmental impact. Besides, it’s undeniable that abstaining from eating meat and dairy will reduce the number of animals that suffer unnecessarily.

How often do you get to do three good things with one simple action?

The Golden House

The Golden House

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Another sprawling magical-realism book by Rushdie – sign me up!

The Golden House recounts ~10 years of a transplanted Indian family in contemporary New York City; mostly sandwiched between 2008-2018. Rene, a neighbor, friend, and almost member of the family narrates the story as he films the ‘Goldens.’

Wheel of Time Series

The Wheel of Time Series

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The “Eye of the World” starts in the sleepy village of Emond’s Field in the Two Rivers region. You are introduced to a handful of villagers on the day before the yearly Bel Tine celebration (more or less spring equinox.) These villagers become the main characters of the series. Everything is idyllic and tranquil, even with the hard winter just ending. And then, suddenly, the lives of everyone are upended by a surprise attack. The villagers’ expected life trajectory is pulled away from them and their stories become much more interesting.

Running Shoes

Personal Fitness Overview

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Do you want to be healthy, happy, strong, and fit?

Personal fitness is a big part of all of those things. I’m no sports therapist or expert but I’ve been physically active in group sports and individually for at least half my life. Looking back, my best moments were those where I was using my body the most.

Environmental Impact of Food Choices Graph

Environmentalism – Why and How

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Let’s brush aside the altruistic reasons for protecting the environment because though noble, I don’t think they affect everyone the same way.

To me, the most poignant argument is that we should protect the environment because it is us, the humans, who have the most to lose.