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The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard

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The Fiat Standard was published after Ammous’ more popular title: The Bitcoin Standard. It examines Fiat currency, paper money that isn’t backed by Gold, as though it were a cryptocurrency token. With the underlying attributes of Fiat currency laid clear, readers can more easily compare it to Bitcoin and Gold.

After outlining the deficiencies of Fiat currency, Ammous then describes the effects of Fiat on our world, ranging from diet and health to architecture and fuel.

The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big

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a classic self-help book. It encourages and guides you, and it builds your ego up.

It is a book for anyone, though the author speaks largely from a business perspective. Expanding from there, Schwartz borrows stories and anecdotes from other people; broadening the appeal considerably.

Killing Commendatore

Killing Commendatore

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On a surface level, Killing Commendatore is a story about a young painter during a separation from his wife of six years. He takes refuge in the house of a famous painter on a secluded mountain. Deeper down, it explores themes of isolation, one’s search for meaning, and the impact of ideas, memories, dreams, and spirits on the real world. 

Permanent Record

Permanent Record

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Permanent Record by Edward Snowden   Permanent Record is the story of Edward Snowden’s life in his own words. It describes his parents, idyllic childhood, and the increasing importance computers would have over his life. Leaving Snowden’s childhood and upbringing, the book recounts his early adulthood and the impact 9/11 had on his trajectory. And finally, it details his high-minded loyalty to the U.S. Constitution and the methods he used to steal and distribute details of America’s spying apparatus to the world-at-large. I found the book to be humorous and understandable; after all, Snowden is just a few years older… Read More »Permanent Record

Why Civil Resistance Works

Why Civil Resistance Works

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Why Civil Resistance Works The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan This is a very smart book, maybe not the best as an audiobook since it isn’t easy to re-read passages, but that’s how it got into my ‘hands’ so hey. I can confidently say that I’ve been convinced that non-violent protest is the best way to bring about lasting change. And I think this new conviction will allow me to think through the uprisings on the news in the years ahead. The authors Chenoweth and Stephan first discuss their thesis, discuss potential criticisms,… Read More »Why Civil Resistance Works

The Changing World Order

The Changing World Order

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Pretty crazy to be reading this as Russia invades Ukraine in what I can only imagine is the last futile power grab of a disillusioned once-great empire.

The Changing World Order is very popular in the Crypto-verse and with investment influencers on Youtube. As I watch people line up outside of banks in both Russia and Ukraine to get their life savings out while they still can, I see why.

Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

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Atomic Habits is clearly one of my favorite books from 2022, it’s not only a breeze to read but it inspired concrete improvements in my life.

If you’re on the self-improvement journey, little will help you more than understanding the psychology of habit-building and habit-disrupting. See what James Clear’s method can do for you.

Single-family house in the country - masonry

Culture Shock! France vs America: 10 Intermediate Differences – 2/3

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This is the second of three articles covering some of the differences I’ve noticed after three years living in France.

What I’ve listed below are slightly more profound (and less immediately evident) differences than those mentioned in my first article: Culture Shock! 19 Observations from Living in France

Edenred Carte Resto

What is a Carte Resto?

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A Carte Resto is a prepaid debit card that can be used to buy food. It is supposed to make it more affordable for employees to buy their lunches while away from home.

I love this workplace perk!

It’s the easiest workplace benefit to appreciate daily.