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Vegetarian Cooking


You’ve been reading books, watching the news, and thinking about your environmental impact. And you’ve decided to try going Vegetarian to reduce your Carbon impact. 

First off, I want to congratulate you. If this is your first environmentalist step, I think it will be the one that changes your life the most. 

Now, where to start?

Veggies are great and all but do I have to start putting tofu on everything? Should I buy meat substitutes? Do I have to eat salad every day?

All fine and natural questions, but don’t overthink it. 

1) Pick up a Vegetarian Cookbook. 

The choice of which one is up to you. But find something that covers several seasons and has some recipes that look good to you. Because if the foods don’t look appealing, you will probably fall off the wagon real fast. 

2) Stick it on the calendar

If you’re a planner like me. Get out your monthly schedule and put a new recipe down for each week. 

Looking ahead will allow you to plan the ingredients to buy before you step into the kitchen. Thus you can demolish another obstacle to following through with your plan. 

If you do these two things:

  1. Get a vegetarian cookbook
  2. Cook 1 new dish each week

You’ll soon be on your way to a long-term vegetarian diet. 

You’ll have added 52 new dishes to your repertoire. Your overall health may improve. Perhaps you’ll even be able to impress a family member or a friend. 

Cooking is one of those skills that compounds with time. And since you’ll probably be eating 3 times per day there are a lot of chances to benefit from this new skill. 


How would you encourage another to pick up vegetarianism? Do you have any favorite vegetarian recipes?