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Civil Resistance

Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs to Know

Not only does civil resistance work, but it is more than twice as effective as violent resistance!

As a non-academic, I find Chenoweth’s Civil Resistance highly accessible. Not only that, it is inspiring.

Earlier this year, I got tear-gassed at a largely peaceful protest. And last month, France erupted into riots because police killed an unarmed 17 boy of North African extraction.

Chenoweth might be an academic, but what she studies is not restricted to the Ivory Tower.

Gardens of the Moon

The Gardens of the Moon

The Gardens of the Moon begins in the wartorn capital of a grasping empire just as a new and bloodthirsty Empress seizes power from her predecessor. The reader follows a young noble as he is attached to a squad of old-guard soldiers who have survived the coup and the Empress’ initial purges.

The Sovereign Individual

The Sovereign Individual

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The Sovereign Individual imagines what changes are to come from the Information Revolution. A revolution that will bring in the fourth stage of human economic life; that of the Information Society.

Side note: This book has aged really well. It was written in 1997, and many of Davidson and Rees-Mogg’s predictions have come to be.

City of Thieves

City of Thieves

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City of Thieves by David Benioff City of Thieves recounts Lev Beniov’s experience of the siege of Leningrad. The 17-year-old protagonist is caught outside his residence building after curfew and is labelled a looter. For this crime, as for many others in the wartime city, the usual punishment is death. Lev is thrown into prison for the night where he meets Kolya, an arrogant, educated, and smooth-talking deserter who becomes his friend over the following days. Though the two expect to be executed, they are spared by a senior NKVD officer who takes their ration cards in exchange for a… Read More »City of Thieves

Why Civil Resistance Works

Why Civil Resistance Works

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Why Civil Resistance Works The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan This is a very smart book, maybe not the best as an audiobook since it isn’t easy to re-read passages, but that’s how it got into my ‘hands’ so hey. I can confidently say that I’ve been convinced that non-violent protest is the best way to bring about lasting change. And I think this new conviction will allow me to think through the uprisings on the news in the years ahead. The authors Chenoweth and Stephan first discuss their thesis, discuss potential criticisms,… Read More »Why Civil Resistance Works