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3-speed Bike

Bikes over Cars – 6 Reasons to Dust off your Bike

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As a bike commuter, I reflect on bike and car culture every day. Biking instead of driving seems obvious. Unfortunately, I’m one of very few in my family, workplace, or friend groups who have adopted this healthy habit.

In this article, I will argue for greater bike use and a diminished reliance on cars, advocate for an active lifestyle and healthy environment, and encourage economic thrift and self-sustainability.

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

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Rather than being strictly Luddite, Newport allows for the measured usage of social media. He suggests that readers take a digital diet for a few months to eliminate the addiction. He encourages the reader to reflect during this time and see if anything is missing. Social media can be re-introduced later



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It is a long life Siddhartha lives in this short book. Hopefully, yours and mine will be as full and varied.

Salient themes include the search for meaning in life, the oneness of all things, grief, love, wisdom vs. knowledge, and time.

The Changing World Order

The Changing World Order

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Pretty crazy to be reading this as Russia invades Ukraine in what I can only imagine is the last futile power grab of a disillusioned once-great empire.

The Changing World Order is very popular in the Crypto-verse and with investment influencers on Youtube. As I watch people line up outside of banks in both Russia and Ukraine to get their life savings out while they still can, I see why.