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How the World Really Works

How the World Really Works

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Smil uses historical information and data to show how modern civilization, far from being at the cusp of turning its back on fossil fuel dependence, is more likely to continue its current trajectory of using ever more in the years to come. And he explains that even if stepping away from fossil fuels was an uncontested objective, actually shifting society away from fossil fuels would be very complicated in the near term.

Bitcoin is Venice

Crypto Must-Reads

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If you’re trying to get your head around new cryptocurrency ideas and concepts see the books below. It’s a new field, and there still aren’t many published books to describe it. Since cryptocurrencies are developing so fast, I doubt that books are even the proper medium to get a real understanding of what is currently happening. But for the armchair warriors like me these books can concretize some of the ideas and introduce you to some of the main developers.

The Sovereign Individual

The Sovereign Individual

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The Sovereign Individual imagines what changes are to come from the Information Revolution. A revolution that will bring in the fourth stage of human economic life; that of the Information Society.

Side note: This book has aged really well. It was written in 1997, and many of Davidson and Rees-Mogg’s predictions have come to be.

The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard

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The Fiat Standard was published after Ammous’ more popular title: The Bitcoin Standard. It examines Fiat currency, paper money that isn’t backed by Gold, as though it were a cryptocurrency token. With the underlying attributes of Fiat currency laid clear, readers can more easily compare it to Bitcoin and Gold.

After outlining the deficiencies of Fiat currency, Ammous then describes the effects of Fiat on our world, ranging from diet and health to architecture and fuel.

Screenshot - useful apps

26 Useful apps and Applications

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Last updated November 14, 2021 26 Useful Apps and Applications TikTok has something like 1 billion monthly active users yet I’ve never touched it. That was true of Twitter as well until I downloaded in a pique of adventurousness earlier this year. Generally, I feel comfortable in the tech domain since I’m an almost digital native. But how is it that I can be so unaware of what ~1/8th of all humanity has on their phones? How do other people hear about these new and upcoming apps? In large part, I think it has to do with one’s exposure to… Read More »26 Useful apps and Applications