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The Day the World Stops Shopping

The Day the World Stops Shopping

J.B. MacKinnon speculates about what would happen in the real world if everyone suddenly stopped their unsustainable shopping.

Since Covid lockdown and quarantines were just a few years ago and as it’s still easy to remember how quickly nature rebounds with wonderous birdsong, clear canal water, and incredible blue skies, MacKinnon’s speculations are easy to visualize

Pastoral Song

Pastoral Song: A Farmer’s Journey

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Pastoral Song is an easy book to read. It is sometimes poetic, often peppered with relatable observations, even quaint. Because it paints a large picture of the forces at work in Western agriculture over the last 70 years it gives voice to the dawning realization many of us have that farming, coupled with profit motives, results in sub-optimal outcomes when considering the animals, planet, farmers, and consumer health.