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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Each story features Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson as they go about Victorian England solving crimes and mysteries, often in parallel with the incompetent Scotland Yard. 

They are light, quick to read stories but for today’s audience, I think their main attraction comes from their historical insight into a society with much more obvious class barriers than that of ours today. 

Courage to Be Disliked

The Courage to Be Disliked

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The Courage to Be Disliked explores Adlerian psychology via informal conversations between an older ‘professor’ and a young ‘pupil. The dialogues between them allow a naturally flowing question-and-answer format that teases out the conversation points and turns them into applicable lessons.


5 Reasons You Should Take Up Reading As A Hobby

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As a kid, I loved reading. I got sucked into the Lord of the Rings, C.S. Lewis, Phillip Pullman, J.K. Rowling, Piers Anthony, Redwall, the Game of Thrones, etc.

Not too surprising that I sought a career as a librarian. But for anyone out there who hasn’t yet gained a love for reading, here are 5 practical reasons you should take up reading as a hobby.

Single-family house in the country - masonry

Culture Shock! France vs America: 10 Intermediate Differences – 2/3

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This is the second of three articles covering some of the differences I’ve noticed after three years living in France.

What I’ve listed below are slightly more profound (and less immediately evident) differences than those mentioned in my first article: Culture Shock! 19 Observations from Living in France