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Courage to Be Disliked

The Courage to Be Disliked

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The Courage to Be Disliked explores Adlerian psychology via informal conversations between an older ‘professor’ and a young ‘pupil. The dialogues between them allow a naturally flowing question-and-answer format that teases out the conversation points and turns them into applicable lessons.

The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big

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a classic self-help book. It encourages and guides you, and it builds your ego up.

It is a book for anyone, though the author speaks largely from a business perspective. Expanding from there, Schwartz borrows stories and anecdotes from other people; broadening the appeal considerably.

Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

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Atomic Habits is clearly one of my favorite books from 2022, it’s not only a breeze to read but it inspired concrete improvements in my life.

If you’re on the self-improvement journey, little will help you more than understanding the psychology of habit-building and habit-disrupting. See what James Clear’s method can do for you.

French Dictionary, Bescherelle

Language Learning Tools

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Top language-learning tools I can personally vouch for. From the traditional, like classroom instruction and books, to new and innovative online tools and mobile apps.