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Building A Second Brain

Building A Second Brain

Our biological brains are masters of creative thinking. They detect patterns and create links between seemingly unrelated topics. However, they aren’t so good at storing large amounts of information.

Forte advances the idea that just as we can improve the physical capacities of our bodies with tools, we can also create tools to increase the storage capacity of our brains.

Essentially, we can build a second brain.

Courage to Be Disliked

The Courage to Be Disliked

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The Courage to Be Disliked explores Adlerian psychology via informal conversations between an older ‘professor’ and a young ‘pupil. The dialogues between them allow a naturally flowing question-and-answer format that teases out the conversation points and turns them into applicable lessons.

5 Best Books About Finance

5 Best Books About Finance

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Whatever your stage of life, it won’t hurt to pay attention to money, the ways to preserve it, and the ways to make it grow. 

It will be even more useful if you start early, but not everyone has this liberty. In any case, here are my picks for the 5 Best Books about Finance.

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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This is a classic self-help book. I say classic because even though it was first published more than 30 years ago, it is still relevent today. So much so that it goes on my list of best books I’ve read in 2022.

The Magic of Thinking Big

The Magic of Thinking Big

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a classic self-help book. It encourages and guides you, and it builds your ego up.

It is a book for anyone, though the author speaks largely from a business perspective. Expanding from there, Schwartz borrows stories and anecdotes from other people; broadening the appeal considerably.

Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

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Atomic Habits is clearly one of my favorite books from 2022, it’s not only a breeze to read but it inspired concrete improvements in my life.

If you’re on the self-improvement journey, little will help you more than understanding the psychology of habit-building and habit-disrupting. See what James Clear’s method can do for you.