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Your Money Or Your Life

Your Money Or Your Life

Your Money Or Your Life is a cornerstone of the personal finance genre despite its atrocious title. It was written in 1992 and has influenced millions of people since.

It gives a 9-step process so readers can focus on distinct elements of their financial life independently from one another.

5 Best Books About Finance

5 Best Books About Finance

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Whatever your stage of life, it won’t hurt to pay attention to money, the ways to preserve it, and the ways to make it grow. 

It will be even more useful if you start early, but not everyone has this liberty. In any case, here are my picks for the 5 Best Books about Finance.

Psychology of Money

The Psychology of Money

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Housel’s thesis is that ‘financial success is not a hard science. It’s a soft skill, where how you behave is more important than what you know.’

Arguing to support this point he gives a small comparison. Given that health and wealth are important to everyone, how can we have made such advancements in the medical field yet find ourselves unchanged in the domain of wealth creation?

Good question.



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Quicksilver is the first of three books of the Baroque Cycle trilogy, and it’s also three independent books in one. It follows the lives of three fictional characters interwoven with real figures from the 17th century such as Louis XIV, Isaac Newton, and Leibniz.

The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard

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The Fiat Standard was published after Ammous’ more popular title: The Bitcoin Standard. It examines Fiat currency, paper money that isn’t backed by Gold, as though it were a cryptocurrency token. With the underlying attributes of Fiat currency laid clear, readers can more easily compare it to Bitcoin and Gold.

After outlining the deficiencies of Fiat currency, Ammous then describes the effects of Fiat on our world, ranging from diet and health to architecture and fuel.

6 Essentials of Money Management

6 Essentials of Money Management

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Anyone who knows me well knows I’m passionate about money. It’s not the money per se that interests me, it’s the idea of freedom and choice that having it represents. I haven’t always been this way – though saving money has always been easy for me.

Here are my 6 essentials for money management.