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It is a long life Siddhartha lives in this short book. Hopefully, yours and mine will be as full and varied.

Salient themes include the search for meaning in life, the oneness of all things, grief, love, wisdom vs. knowledge, and time.

Here I am

Here I am

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“Your only problem is you don’t have enough problems” interjects Tamir, Jacob’s cousin, during a rare visit from Israel. He thinks that the Bloch family, with nothing important to worry about, makes problems for themselves. But for all of the seeming tranquility, the Blochs are confronted by pivotal and even tragic events throughout the novel.

Killing Commendatore

Killing Commendatore

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On a surface level, Killing Commendatore is a story about a young painter during a separation from his wife of six years. He takes refuge in the house of a famous painter on a secluded mountain. Deeper down, it explores themes of isolation, one’s search for meaning, and the impact of ideas, memories, dreams, and spirits on the real world.