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Eating Animals

Eating Animals

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Why should a horny man have less right to rape an animal than a hungry person to kill one and eat it? It’s easy to dismiss this question, but very hard to answer.

Here I am

Here I am

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“Your only problem is you don’t have enough problems” interjects Tamir, Jacob’s cousin, during a rare visit from Israel. He thinks that the Bloch family, with nothing important to worry about, makes problems for themselves. But for all of the seeming tranquility, the Blochs are confronted by pivotal and even tragic events throughout the novel.

Market day vegetables

3 Axioms of a Vegan/Vegetarian Diet

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There is a growing body of research that points towards a more plant-based diet being good for 1. your personal health, and 2. reducing your environmental impact. Besides, it’s undeniable that abstaining from eating meat and dairy will reduce the number of animals that suffer unnecessarily.

How often do you get to do three good things with one simple action?