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Eating Animals

Eating Animals

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Why should a horny man have less right to rape an animal than a hungry person to kill one and eat it? It’s easy to dismiss this question, but very hard to answer.



There are two main storylines.

One: Where Jack comes out of third-stage syphilis delirium and leads a diverse rascal band of former galley slaves on a wild quest to steal a boat-load of silver, then return with it back to Europe via the Pacific.

And Two: Where Eliza faces her own troubles in the French court of Louis XIV at Versailles.

One Mighty and Irresistible Tide

One Mighty and Irresistible Tide

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One Mighty and Irresistible Tide is about how immigration law has changed over the decades, primarily between 1924 and 1965 but also more recently.

Jia Lynn Yang studies the men in positions of power that determined what American immigration law should resemble. She shares their upbringing, private letters, and the context in which they acted.

City of Thieves

City of Thieves

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City of Thieves by David Benioff City of Thieves recounts Lev Beniov’s experience of the siege of Leningrad. The 17-year-old protagonist is caught outside his residence building after curfew and is labelled a looter. For this crime, as for many others in the wartime city, the usual punishment is death. Lev is thrown into prison for the night where he meets Kolya, an arrogant, educated, and smooth-talking deserter who becomes his friend over the following days. Though the two expect to be executed, they are spared by a senior NKVD officer who takes their ration cards in exchange for a… Read More »City of Thieves