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There are two main storylines.

One: Where Jack comes out of third-stage syphilis delirium and leads a diverse rascal band of former galley slaves on a wild quest to steal a boat-load of silver, then return with it back to Europe via the Pacific.

And Two: Where Eliza faces her own troubles in the French court of Louis XIV at Versailles.

Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha

Memoirs of a Geisha is an orphan narrative and reserved romance based in Imperial Japan before World War II. It recounts the life of Chiyo, later Sayuri, as she grows from poor fisherman’s daughter to one of the most in-demand Geishas of Gion.

Norwegian Wood

Norwegian Wood

Norwegian Wood is a novel that recounts the observations and memories of Toru Watanabe, specifically during his high-school and university years.

Its subjects are love, grief, death, and loneliness.

Courage to Be Disliked

The Courage to Be Disliked

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The Courage to Be Disliked explores Adlerian psychology via informal conversations between an older ‘professor’ and a young ‘pupil. The dialogues between them allow a naturally flowing question-and-answer format that teases out the conversation points and turns them into applicable lessons.

Spark Joy

Spark Joy

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The premise of Kondo’s book is that one’s environment should spark joy and that you should feel happy when surrounded by your material possessions. She encourages you to do this not only by getting rid of objects in the tidying push but rather by focusing on the objects that give you pleasure.

Who’s going to argue with that?

Murakami Memoir

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

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What I Talk About When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami This book is exactly what you think it is, a memoir by a popular (and good) author on what running means to him. Though it may not appeal to everyone, this book attracted me because I love books, reading, writing, and running. Also, Murakami is a new author to me so I’m still learning about him. I wish every one of my favorite authors wrote a memoir because I would love to align my habits with theirs. Here there is some evident and pre-existing overlap. Obviously, the book… Read More »What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Killing Commendatore

Killing Commendatore

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On a surface level, Killing Commendatore is a story about a young painter during a separation from his wife of six years. He takes refuge in the house of a famous painter on a secluded mountain. Deeper down, it explores themes of isolation, one’s search for meaning, and the impact of ideas, memories, dreams, and spirits on the real world.