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Here I am

Here I am

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“Your only problem is you don’t have enough problems” interjects Tamir, Jacob’s cousin, during a rare visit from Israel. He thinks that the Bloch family, with nothing important to worry about, makes problems for themselves. But for all of the seeming tranquility, the Blochs are confronted by pivotal and even tragic events throughout the novel.

Why Civil Resistance Works

Why Civil Resistance Works

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Why Civil Resistance Works The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan This is a very smart book, maybe not the best as an audiobook since it isn’t easy to re-read passages, but that’s how it got into my ‘hands’ so hey. I can confidently say that I’ve been convinced that non-violent protest is the best way to bring about lasting change. And I think this new conviction will allow me to think through the uprisings on the news in the years ahead. The authors Chenoweth and Stephan first discuss their thesis, discuss potential criticisms,… Read More »Why Civil Resistance Works