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Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits

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Atomic Habits is clearly one of my favorite books from 2022, it’s not only a breeze to read but it inspired concrete improvements in my life.

If you’re on the self-improvement journey, little will help you more than understanding the psychology of habit-building and habit-disrupting. See what James Clear’s method can do for you.

The Golden House

The Golden House

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Another sprawling magical-realism book by Rushdie – sign me up!

The Golden House recounts ~10 years of a transplanted Indian family in contemporary New York City; mostly sandwiched between 2008-2018. Rene, a neighbor, friend, and almost member of the family narrates the story as he films the ‘Goldens.’

Running Shoes

Personal Fitness Overview

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Do you want to be healthy, happy, strong, and fit?

Personal fitness is a big part of all of those things. I’m no sports therapist or expert but I’ve been physically active in group sports and individually for at least half my life. Looking back, my best moments were those where I was using my body the most.