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Eating Animals

Eating Animals

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Why should a horny man have less right to rape an animal than a hungry person to kill one and eat it? It’s easy to dismiss this question, but very hard to answer.

Phone Repair

Phone Upgrade Odyssey

Depending on your income, a phone can represent a significant personal expense; that’s how I’ve always seen it. So while I hold out as long as possible before making a purchase, I also look forward to my next chance for a better phone.

Besides, the longer you wait, the better the technology will become. Thus, the greater relative upgrade your new phone will represent.

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal

Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal

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Everything I Want to Do is Illegal is a riveting and educational book in which author, Joel Salatin, describes a generations-long battle. On one side: the goliath agricultural industry and unfeeling government bureaucrats. On the other: small, hometown, traditional farmers and artisans.

Compost Bacs

Composting for Newbies

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If you’re trying to lessen your negative environmental impact on the world, composting can help a great deal.

Living in the country and composting is easy. All you need is a place to throw your food scraps and any fallen leaves, sticks, and grass clippings to get a good balance of carbon and nitrogen.

In an urban environment, composting can be more complicated…

Spark Joy

Spark Joy

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The premise of Kondo’s book is that one’s environment should spark joy and that you should feel happy when surrounded by your material possessions. She encourages you to do this not only by getting rid of objects in the tidying push but rather by focusing on the objects that give you pleasure.

Who’s going to argue with that?

Facing the Climate Emergency

Facing the Climate Emergency

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In Facing the Climate Emergency Margaret Klein Salamon starts with an impressive call to arms. She invokes the hero’s journey and states quite clearly how much the climate crisis matters and that you have a calling in life. It seems a bit dramatic at first, but in light of the global climate crisis, she’s probably right.

Environmental Impact of Food Choices Graph

Environmentalism – Why and How

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Let’s brush aside the altruistic reasons for protecting the environment because though noble, I don’t think they affect everyone the same way.

To me, the most poignant argument is that we should protect the environment because it is us, the humans, who have the most to lose.