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Unfortunately, this was not the first time my iron was too low to give blood.

I went home to read about anemia online and plan how to improve my diet.

It turns out that my habits and choices are a perfect storm for anemia.

Eating Animals

Eating Animals

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Why should a horny man have less right to rape an animal than a hungry person to kill one and eat it? It’s easy to dismiss this question, but very hard to answer.

9 Best Books About Medicine

9 Best Books About Medicine

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Here are my picks for the 9 best books about medicine, diet, and health. The novels have entertained me, and the non-fiction has improved my understanding of the world.

If you’re not sure what to read next, I recommend you pick up one of these.

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

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Rather than being strictly Luddite, Newport allows for the measured usage of social media. He suggests that readers take a digital diet for a few months to eliminate the addiction. He encourages the reader to reflect during this time and see if anything is missing. Social media can be re-introduced later

The Fiat Standard

The Fiat Standard

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The Fiat Standard was published after Ammous’ more popular title: The Bitcoin Standard. It examines Fiat currency, paper money that isn’t backed by Gold, as though it were a cryptocurrency token. With the underlying attributes of Fiat currency laid clear, readers can more easily compare it to Bitcoin and Gold.

After outlining the deficiencies of Fiat currency, Ammous then describes the effects of Fiat on our world, ranging from diet and health to architecture and fuel.

Single-family house in the country - masonry

Culture Shock! France vs America: 10 Intermediate Differences – 2/3

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This is the second of three articles covering some of the differences I’ve noticed after three years living in France.

What I’ve listed below are slightly more profound (and less immediately evident) differences than those mentioned in my first article: Culture Shock! 19 Observations from Living in France

Market day vegetables

3 Axioms of a Vegan/Vegetarian Diet

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There is a growing body of research that points towards a more plant-based diet being good for 1. your personal health, and 2. reducing your environmental impact. Besides, it’s undeniable that abstaining from eating meat and dairy will reduce the number of animals that suffer unnecessarily.

How often do you get to do three good things with one simple action?

Environmental Impact of Food Choices Graph

Environmentalism – Why and How

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Let’s brush aside the altruistic reasons for protecting the environment because though noble, I don’t think they affect everyone the same way.

To me, the most poignant argument is that we should protect the environment because it is us, the humans, who have the most to lose.