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The Day the World Stops Shopping

The Day the World Stops Shopping

J.B. MacKinnon speculates about what would happen in the real world if everyone suddenly stopped their unsustainable shopping.

Since Covid lockdown and quarantines were just a few years ago and as it’s still easy to remember how quickly nature rebounds with wonderous birdsong, clear canal water, and incredible blue skies, MacKinnon’s speculations are easy to visualize

Bitcoin is Venice

Crypto Must-Reads

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If you’re trying to get your head around new cryptocurrency ideas and concepts see the books below. It’s a new field, and there still aren’t many published books to describe it. Since cryptocurrencies are developing so fast, I doubt that books are even the proper medium to get a real understanding of what is currently happening. But for the armchair warriors like me these books can concretize some of the ideas and introduce you to some of the main developers.



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Humans are making enormous progress against global poverty and diseases, we’re living longer, more children are going to school. You name the area of concern (except global warming) and we’re improving. That’s been the case since roughly the end of the Second World War. Perhaps it isn’t so evident in the ‘West.’ But most people don’t live in the ‘West’ anyway.