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cal newport

Building A Second Brain

Building A Second Brain

Our biological brains are masters of creative thinking. They detect patterns and create links between seemingly unrelated topics. However, they aren’t so good at storing large amounts of information.

Forte advances the idea that just as we can improve the physical capacities of our bodies with tools, we can also create tools to increase the storage capacity of our brains.

Essentially, we can build a second brain.

So Good They Can't Ignore You

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

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So Good They Can’t Ignore You is Cal Newport’s response to the recent cultural assumption that there’s a mysterious, perfect job out there waiting for you and that all you have to do is find it. 

Instead, Cal Newport argues that the best way to find a fulfilling job is to develop rare and valuable skills and to apply yourself deliberately.

5 Things I Learned in my First Year as a Blogger

5 Things I Learned in my First Year as a Blogger

Steve’s Nook has been live for about a year now.

I hope it has many years left.

Given the near anniversary, it’s time to look back and evaluate what I’ve learned. 

Here are 5 Things I Learned in my First Year as a Blogger.

Digital Minimalism

Digital Minimalism

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Rather than being strictly Luddite, Newport allows for the measured usage of social media. He suggests that readers take a digital diet for a few months to eliminate the addiction. He encourages the reader to reflect during this time and see if anything is missing. Social media can be re-introduced later