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Inspired by Greta Thunberg and her wildly successful school strikes I’d like to dedicate 1/5 of all pages on this site to ecology/the environment and the ways in which we can minimize our impact on the world.


Market day vegetables 3 Axioms of a Vegan/Vegetarian Diet - There is a growing body of research that points towards a more plant-based diet being good for 1. your personal health, and 2. reducing your environmental impact. Besides, it's undeniable that abstaining from eating meat and dairy will reduce the… Read More »3 Axioms of a Vegan/Vegetarian Diet
Anemia - Unfortunately, this was not the first time my iron was too low to give blood. I went home to read about anemia online and plan how to improve my diet. It turns out that my habits and choices are a… Read More »Anemia
3-speed Bike Bikes over Cars – 6 Reasons to Dust off your Bike - As a bike commuter, I reflect on bike and car culture every day. Biking instead of driving seems obvious. Unfortunately, I'm one of very few in my family, workplace, or friend groups who have adopted this healthy habit. In this… Read More »Bikes over Cars – 6 Reasons to Dust off your Bike
Parking Lot Sprawl Bikes over Cars – 9 Ways to Effect a Cultural Shift - This is the second of two articles that argues for prioritizing bikes instead of cars. The first gave six reasons biking is better than driving. This article will describe 9 small adoptable policy/community actions we can introduce to upend society's nasty transportation… Read More »Bikes over Cars – 9 Ways to Effect a Cultural Shift
Compost Bacs Composting for Newbies - If you're trying to lessen your negative environmental impact on the world, composting can help a great deal. Living in the country and composting is easy. All you need is a place to throw your food scraps and any fallen… Read More »Composting for Newbies
Eating Animals Eating Animals - Why should a horny man have less right to rape an animal than a hungry person to kill one and eat it? It's easy to dismiss this question, but very hard to answer. Read More »Eating Animals
Environmental Impact of Food Choices Graph Environmentalism – Why and How - Let's brush aside the altruistic reasons for protecting the environment because though noble, I don't think they affect everyone the same way. To me, the most poignant argument is that we should protect the environment because it is us, the… Read More »Environmentalism – Why and How
Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal - Everything I Want to Do is Illegal is a riveting and educational book in which author, Joel Salatin, describes a generations-long battle. On one side: the goliath agricultural industry and unfeeling government bureaucrats. On the other: small, hometown, traditional farmers… Read More »Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal
Facing the Climate Emergency Facing the Climate Emergency - In Facing the Climate Emergency Margaret Klein Salamon starts with an impressive call to arms. She invokes the hero's journey and states quite clearly how much the climate crisis matters and that you have a calling in life. It seems… Read More »Facing the Climate Emergency
How the World Really Works How the World Really Works - Smil uses historical information and data to show how modern civilization, far from being at the cusp of turning its back on fossil fuel dependence, is more likely to continue its current trajectory of using ever more in the years… Read More »How the World Really Works
On Fire On Fire - On Fire combines a dire environmental backdrop that underscores why the book is important to read, truth-to-power statements about which political parties and multinational corporations are at fault, and a seam of hope that makes you feel empowered and inspires… Read More »On Fire
Pastoral Song Pastoral Song: A Farmer’s Journey - Pastoral Song is an easy book to read. It is sometimes poetic, often peppered with relatable observations, even quaint. Because it paints a large picture of the forces at work in Western agriculture over the last 70 years it gives… Read More »Pastoral Song: A Farmer’s Journey
Phone Repair Phone Upgrade Odyssey - Depending on your income, a phone can represent a significant personal expense; that's how I've always seen it. So while I hold out as long as possible before making a purchase, I also look forward to my next chance for… Read More »Phone Upgrade Odyssey
The Day the World Stops Shopping The Day the World Stops Shopping - J.B. MacKinnon speculates about what would happen in the real world if everyone suddenly stopped their unsustainable shopping. Since Covid lockdown and quarantines were just a few years ago and as it's still easy to remember how quickly nature rebounds… Read More »The Day the World Stops Shopping
Vegetarian Cooking Vegetarian Cooking - Now, where to start? Veggies are great and all but do I have to start putting tofu on everything? Should I buy meat substitutes? Do I have to eat salad every day? Read More »Vegetarian Cooking