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Personal Musings


Unfortunately, this was not the first time my iron was too low to give blood.

I went home to read about anemia online and plan how to improve my diet.

It turns out that my habits and choices are a perfect storm for anemia.

American Flag

Independence Day

I understand liberty to mean: you don’t have to do what someone else is trying to impose on you. It is a sort of negative liberty.

Negative liberty is what the American colonists fought for in the War of Independence.

Nowadays, there are endless disputes about liberty even though they hide as hot-button topics such as Trans and LGBTQA+ rights, global warming and what to do about it, personal health decisions like abortion rights, and the particularly American issues like the right to bear arms and the right to unfettered expression.

Parking Lot Sprawl

Bikes over Cars – 9 Ways to Effect a Cultural Shift

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This is the second of two articles that argues for prioritizing bikes instead of cars. The first gave six reasons biking is better than driving. This article will describe 9 small adoptable policy/community actions we can introduce to upend society’s nasty transportation default.

3-speed Bike

Bikes over Cars – 6 Reasons to Dust off your Bike

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As a bike commuter, I reflect on bike and car culture every day. Biking instead of driving seems obvious. Unfortunately, I’m one of very few in my family, workplace, or friend groups who have adopted this healthy habit.

In this article, I will argue for greater bike use and a diminished reliance on cars, advocate for an active lifestyle and healthy environment, and encourage economic thrift and self-sustainability.

Honeymoon in the Pays Basque

Basque Country Honeymoon

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We were lucky. The week we chose was one of unseasonal warmth (20 degrees!) and dryness near Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port.

We set out on daily hikes, easy ones from a guidebook called “Les Sentiers d’Emilie” that we found in our Airbnb. I was generally in charge of choosing the destination. I aimed for those of around 3-4 hours and enough of an elevation gain that we would feel challenged.

Naufragé in the Digital Surge

Distraction is nearly inevitable in the current that brings all mots of thought near. And though we’re all caught in the sweep, we all fight our own struggles.

We’re a tribe unified by time and hazard but distanced by the flow. A unified school of circumstance.

Phone Repair

Phone Upgrade Odyssey

Depending on your income, a phone can represent a significant personal expense; that’s how I’ve always seen it. So while I hold out as long as possible before making a purchase, I also look forward to my next chance for a better phone.

Besides, the longer you wait, the better the technology will become. Thus, the greater relative upgrade your new phone will represent.

Apps - 2022

Apps and Applications of 2022

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This post is a snapshot of some of the apps and applications that I have on my computer and smartphone. It updates my post from 2021 on the same subject: 26 Useful Apps and Applications.

5 Things I Learned in my First Year as a Blogger

5 Things I Learned in my First Year as a Blogger

Steve’s Nook has been live for about a year now.

I hope it has many years left.

Given the near anniversary, it’s time to look back and evaluate what I’ve learned. 

Here are 5 Things I Learned in my First Year as a Blogger.