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French Dictionary, Bescherelle

Language Learning Tools

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Top language-learning tools I can personally vouch for. From the traditional, like classroom instruction and books, to new and innovative online tools and mobile apps.

6 Essentials of Money Management

6 Essentials of Money Management

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Anyone who knows me well knows I’m passionate about money. It’s not the money per se that interests me, it’s the idea of freedom and choice that having it represents. I haven’t always been this way – though saving money has always been easy for me.

Here are my 6 essentials for money management.

WEIRDest People in the World

The WEIRDest People in the World

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Henrich argues that it was first the Catholic Church’s strange practices of reducing the power of extended kin-groups in Europe and then various other protestanty-based ideals which further changed the social psychology of Europeans. And then how the habits of European social psychology bore fruit by encouraging higher rates of education, technological advancement, sharing with strangers, and trust in non-related others.



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Humans are making enormous progress against global poverty and diseases, we’re living longer, more children are going to school. You name the area of concern (except global warming) and we’re improving. That’s been the case since roughly the end of the Second World War. Perhaps it isn’t so evident in the ‘West.’ But most people don’t live in the ‘West’ anyway.

Packing Tape

5 Rules for an Easy Move

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I’m a drifter. I’ve lived in so many apartments I can’t remember them all. Below are 5 Rules for an easy move that I’ve distilled to make moving a breeze.