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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

by Stephen R. Covey


The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is a classic self-help book. I say classic because even though it was first published more than 30 years ago, it is still relevent today. So much so that it goes on my list of best books I’ve read in 2022.

First, a personal note.

What aimed me at this book?

I think it was curiosity about Principles and why Ray Dalio is so hell-bent on discovering them and disseminating this information in each of his books.

Beyond that, I do have a habit (not guilty!) of reading self-help books to see if they can show me how to improve my life. To me, the idea of progress is infatuating.

Now, to the dissection.

The first chapter is heavy on concepts such as Paradigms and Paradigm shifts, Character Ethic vs Personality Ethic, the inside-out growth model, and the continuum from Dependence –> Independence –> Interdependence.

Also in the first chapter, Covey defines :

Character – a composite of our habits
Habits – the intersection of theory, know-how, and motivation
Effectiveness – maintaining a good production/production capability balance

After the introduction, the book is organised into 7 sections based on the 7 habits Covey thinks are so important. They are :

1. Be proactive (adopt a good attitude and take responsibility)
2. Start with the end in mind (make a plan informed by your personal principles)
3. Put first things first (work towards your goals)
4. Think win-win (look for the solution in which everyone is better off)
5. Seek to understand then to be understood (listen, empathize)
6. Synergize (sometimes 1+1 = >2, seek these equations in your life)
7. Sharpen the saw (work on yourself, these 7 habits are reiterative)

Each section is explained with analogies, stories, and/or personal anecdotes from Covey’s life. This makes the content more relatable and easier to access since it’s one thing to know a rule, and another to know how to execute it.

The book is easy to read because of its clear organisational structure and short overall length. Incidentally, this also makes the 7 Habits easily digestible in audiobook format.

Those who might benefit most from the book are those who are seeking to improve their lives. Whether self-help books are your bread and butter, or if you venture into the genre somewhat less often, the principles outlined in the 7 Habits will undoubtedly inspire you.

Did you read the 7 Habits? If so, what did you think? Please leave a comment below.