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3 Best Purchases of 2022



My partner bought me a pair of earbuds for my birthday. I had been thinking about buying a pair for a while since all the cheap headphones I would buy from the copy shop would die after a few weeks. I figured buying one good pair once would eventually save me money compared with buying lots of cheap sets over time.

Well, getting a set as a gift saved me even more money!

She got me a set of JBL wireless earbuds and I’ve used them on each run I’ve taken since. As well as when I’m doing dishes or when I don’t want to disturb my partner.

I was so pleased with the gift that I turned around and bought my partner a pair as well. Same brand, but different color.

Now she doesn’t bother me when watching youtube or Netflix! A win-win!

JBL Earbuds

If you’re thinking of buying a pair yourself, I highly recommend it. But you should also do a quick study on your needs before opening your wallet.

There are loads of different brands. And each model will specialize in one area over the others.

Ask yourself: What kind of battery life do I need? Do I want high-fidelity sound? Am I planning to listen to music or rather audiobooks and podcasts? Do I want sound cancelling? Do I need water resistance for sporting environments?

These are a few good starting questions to consider.

There are lots of specs to consider, but if you take a few minutes to study you won’t suffer from buyer’s regret


I’ve forever been skeptical about eReaders. Even when I was training people how to use them at the library where I used to work.

It seemed so obvious to just go to the library and get the book you want, even if it isn’t yours, and you have to wait for it to arrive.

Kindle Paperwhite

Well, now I live in a foreign country. Yes, there’s an English-Language library here, but it hardly has the newest books. And to pay for shipping every time I want a book… And that’s not even speaking of the environmental costs of shipping books unknown distances to arrive at my door.

So I bought a Kindle. I chose this brand not because I love Amazon, but because I compared it to the other brands and it seemed to be the best option for me.

I got the Paperwhite. It’s not as sexy as their other options. But I love the idea that the battery will last for weeks without a charge.

So far I’m very pleased with my purchase.

The books I’ve bought for the kindle have been cheaper than the physical versions, and they arrive faster.

A word of advice though! You should always buy some sort of protective case. I was putting the kindle in my backpack where a spare spoon, or maybe my leatherman, started to scratch the reading surface.

Now that I’ve got a closing lid, the Kindle is safe in my bag.

Another thing! With a Kindle, you’re not limited to only what Amazon has to offer. You can borrow eBooks from your local library for free. Or, you can send pdfs to your kindle.

Just follow the steps on this tutorial by TechRadar to learn how.

There are plenty of free pdf libraries on the internet where you can download your next eBook.


Toilet Seat Lever

Bear with me here…

The bottom of the toilet seat is disgusting. Please tell me I’m not the only person who thinks so!

My partner never raises the seat so she doesn’t know the extent of things. As for me, well, I whip out the bleach every time I see anything but porcelain white.

For the longest time, I’d been telling myself I’m going to drill a hole in the side of our toilet seat and install a handle that projects off to the side. That way I wouldn’t ever need to touch the toilet seat again

Toilet Seat Lever

It would be so easy!

It blows me away that toilet seats don’t come this way to begin with.

Anyway, searching the internet one day I came across a toilet seat lever on Amazon. It didn’t look very stable but I bought it anyway. It attaches with a bit of adhesive and voila! No more contact with a surface I don’t even want to describe.

I feel so much cleaner using this lever even if I wash my hands after using the toilet anyway. An easy addition to this list, and the cheapest by far.




Are you extemely happy with a purchase you’ve made this year? Add a comment and share!